John Wayne Zimmeman

I’ve been executing global strategic campaigns and product lines that exceeded revenue targets for over 20 years with some of the most innovative companies.


Each project is unique in what they want to accomplish, but the pains are similar.


Customers that come to me say:


‘We do not have enough engaging participation.’

‘We are not getting an ROI yet.’

‘We are not sure we have the right strategy and/or are measuring the right metrics.’

I have a Simple Formula

I start by focusing on your business goal. Next, we look at, what’s in it for the customers?


We have to address both of these and they have to be in alignment for any business process to work.

Past Clients

Why John Wayne?

I create trust in teams quickly.

We co-create projects/products based on qualitative and quantitative data.

I pull out my toolset and we get to work/play.

We get curiously engaged.

I align the team with your purpose and mission.

We follow through on the work needed to make your business solve problems and get results.

I ask better questions and dig deep.

We all build relationships and change the culture to thrive.

Personal info

John Wayne Zimmerman

New York/ California/ North Carolina

c u s t o m e r c e n t e r e d


Stanford University (Executive Education)
My focus was on product management, AI, the current state of technology advancements, and directing software engineering teams.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Executive Education)
My focus was on business models, and how they tie into the current state of the world in economics.
DePaul University (MBA, Marketing)
I achieved an MBA from a top 5 Part-Time MBA program and learned how to apply all business principles from marketing to operations and finance.
The University of North Carolina at Wilmington (BA, Journalism)
I achieved an BA in professional and creative writing, and learned the importance of enrolling copywriting in business.


Senior leader with strong analytical, program management and written/verbal/communication skills

Creative that motivates and inspires others to be part of changing workspaces with teams that innovate

Hands-on facilitation experience with building customer communities

Let's Connect

Get in touch if you’d like to collaborate on your next project with me.

John Wayne Zimmerman

(+1) ‪917-740-4249

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